Animation Pricing

Transparency is a key! Although every project will have another pricing based upon special needs, we would love to give you some rough estimation as in which price brackets we are located.

Our Premium packages contains beautiful animations but with less detail. No detailed backgrounds, no face expressions etc. Just a clean, engaging, animated message.

1-30 sn
€ 1500
1-30 sn
€ 2000
1-30 sn
€ 2500
1-30 sn
€ 3000

Our Prestige packages contains amazing animations with all the details that you want. Detailed backgrounds, face expressions, advanced sound effects… We’ve got you covered.

1-30 sn
€ 2500
1-30 sn
€ 3000
1-30 sn
€ 3500
1-30 sn
€ 4000

Whichever way you look at it, your company, your project is unique. To receive a custom quote, we would like to welcome you to schedule in a an online meeting with one of our talents. You can do that here:

I want Premium Package
I want Prestige Package
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With our location independent concept we disrupt the pricing of the animation industry. And we are damn proud of that!